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What’s Happening Now

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Can You Feel It? RNR Celebrates National Tire Safety Week!

You can feel the excitement in the air, can't you?  It's National Tire Safety Week, people!  Grab some balloons, pop…


Boys of Summer: RNR Talks Summer Spruce Ups

Dear Bree, It's summer and I want to spruce up my ride.  I plan on getting out, cruising around, and…


Rusty Wheel DIY from RNR

Dear Bree, I have some great chrome wheels on my car, but unfortunately, I haven't had the time to really…


Screwed: Should You Be Driving Around with a Screw in Your Tire?

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One of These Things is Not Like the Other: RNR Talks Two Different-Sized Tires

Dear Bree, Recently, I took my car in somewhere (not an RNR location) for new tires, and my boyfriend just…


Get in Line: Talking Alignment with RNR

A few weeks ago, we got a letter from a first-time car owner, Leaving the Nest in Naples, and she…


Round and Round: RNR Says Rotate Your Tires!

Last week, our first time car buyer, Leaving the Nest in Naples, asked why tire balancing and rotation are so…


First Learn Balance: RNR’s Advice for Becoming a Maintenance Champ

Dear Bree, I just bought my first car, and I find it amazing how making your own payments on something…


Middle of the Road: RNR Explains Tread Wear Patterns

Dear Bree, What the heck is this?  The other day, I parked a little wonky with my front wheels turned,…


To Buy or Not to Buy Used Tires: RNR Answers the Question

Dear Bree, I'm in need of a new set of tires, but I really can't afford to go out and…

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