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Boys of Summer: RNR Talks Summer Spruce Ups

Dear Bree, It's summer and I want to spruce up my ride.  I plan on getting out, cruising around, and…


Rusty Wheel DIY from RNR

Dear Bree, I have some great chrome wheels on my car, but unfortunately, I haven't had the time to really…


Screwed: Should You Be Driving Around with a Screw in Your Tire?

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One of These Things is Not Like the Other: RNR Talks Two Different-Sized Tires

Dear Bree, Recently, I took my car in somewhere (not an RNR location) for new tires, and my boyfriend just…


Get in Line: Talking Alignment with RNR

A few weeks ago, we got a letter from a first-time car owner, Leaving the Nest in Naples, and she…


Round and Round: RNR Says Rotate Your Tires!

Last week, our first time car buyer, Leaving the Nest in Naples, asked why tire balancing and rotation are so…


First Learn Balance: RNR’s Advice for Becoming a Maintenance Champ

Dear Bree, I just bought my first car, and I find it amazing how making your own payments on something…


Middle of the Road: RNR Explains Tread Wear Patterns

Dear Bree, What the heck is this?  The other day, I parked a little wonky with my front wheels turned,…


To Buy or Not to Buy Used Tires: RNR Answers the Question

Dear Bree, I'm in need of a new set of tires, but I really can't afford to go out and…


Cracking Up: Cracked Tires Are No Joke

Dear Bree, I’ve been reading your blogs for a while now, and I know that when you live somewhere really…

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